PubMed ID: 2684263
Author(s): Ben-Ezra D, Sahel JA, Harris NL, Hemo I, Albert DM. Uveal lymphoid infiltrates: immunohistochemical evidence for a lymphoid neoplasia. Br J Ophthalmol. 1989 Oct;73(10):846-51. PMID 2684263
Journal: The British Journal Of Ophthalmology, Volume 73, Issue 10, Oct 1989
A 67-year-old man presented with a diffuse choroidal and ciliary body infiltrate, suggesting clinically and ultrasonographically a diffuse uveal melanoma. After enucleation both morphological and immunohistochemical data were highly suggestive of a diffuse, low-grade B cell lymphoma or lymphoplasmacytic immunocytoma. The difficulties of clinical and histopathological differential diagnosis of uveal lymphoid infiltrates are emphasised. In view of the excellent life prognosis of these tumours, treatment of the patient should be directed towards the preservation of ocular function.