Relation of ocular and systemic factors to survival in diabetes.

PubMed ID: 2916872

Author(s): Klein R, Moss SE, Klein BE, DeMets DL. Relation of ocular and systemic factors to survival in diabetes. Arch Intern Med. 1989 Feb;149(2):266-72. PMID 2916872

Journal: Archives Of Internal Medicine, Volume 149, Issue 2, Feb 1989

The relationship of survival to systemic and ocular factors in diabetic persons was studied using data collected as part of the Wisconsin Epidemiologic Study of Diabetic Retinopathy. Six years after the baseline examination, 9.5% of 996 insulin-taking people who were younger than age 30 years when their diabetes was diagnosed (younger onset) had died. Of 1370 people whose diabetes was diagnosed after age 30 years (older onset), 35.3% had died. After adjusting for age and sex, longer duration of diabetes, presence of proteinuria, a history of cardiovascular disease, higher blood pressure, diuretic use, a history of smoking, poorer visual acuity, and more severe retinopathy were significantly associated with decreased survival in both groups. Glaucoma was associated with decreased survival in the younger onset group and cataract in the older onset group. These findings suggest that some ocular complications are important risk indicators for death. Their presence in diabetic patients suggests the need for frequent examinations to detect systemic complications and to intervene to minimize their effect.