PubMed ID: 2087295
Author(s): Blodi BA, Johnson MW, Gass JD, Fine SL, Joffe LM. Purtscher’s-like retinopathy after childbirth. Ophthalmology. 1990 Dec;97(12):1654-9. Review. PMID 2087295
Journal: Ophthalmology, Volume 97, Issue 12, Dec 1990
Severe bilateral visual loss attributable to multiple retinal arteriolar occlusions occurred in four young women within 24 hours after childbirth. In two patients, labor was complicated by preeclampsia requiring cesarean section. One patient was suffering from pancreatitis. None had connective tissue disease or antecedent trauma. Ophthalmoscopy and fluorescein angiography revealed evidence of multiple superficial peripapillary and macular patches of ischemic retinal whitening simulating Purtscher’s retinopathy. By 8 weeks, the white patches were resolving in all eyes and visual acuity had significantly improved in three of the four patients. The pathogenesis of this disorder is unknown but may involve arteriolar obstruction by complement-induced leukoemboli formed during parturition.