Lens thickness and five-year cumulative incidence of cataracts: The Beaver Dam Eye Study.

PubMed ID: 11262671

Author(s): Klein BE, Klein R, Moss SE. Lens thickness and five-year cumulative incidence of cataracts: The Beaver Dam Eye Study. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2000 Dec;7(4):243-8. PMID 11262671

Journal: Ophthalmic Epidemiology, Volume 7, Issue 4, Dec 2000

PURPOSE To evaluate whether lens thickness is related to incidence of cataracts.

METHODS Lens thickness was measured from slit-lamp photographs of the lens at the time of the prevalence evaluation in the Beaver Dam Eye Study. Incident cataract was determined by grading standard slit-lamp and retroillumination photographs of the lens at the baseline and five-year follow-up examinations. Medical history was obtained and blood pressures, height and weight were measured according to protocol.

RESULTS Lens thickness was positively associated with incident nuclear cataract and inversely associated with incident cortical cataract after accounting for age, sex, diabetes status, hypertension, heavy drinking and cigarette smoking.

CONCLUSIONS Lens thickness is related to incidence of cataracts. Mechanisms to explain these relationships require further laboratory and epidemiologic investigation.