Glycemic control in early IDDM. The Wisconsin Diabetes Registry.

PubMed ID: 1505330

Author(s): Allen C, Zaccaro DJ, Palta M, Klein R, Duck SC, D’Alessio DJ. Glycemic control in early IDDM. The Wisconsin Diabetes Registry. Diabetes Care. 1992 Aug;15(8):980-7. PMID 1505330

Journal: Diabetes Care, Volume 15, Issue 8, Aug 1992

OBJECTIVE A cohort (n = 277) was followed from diabetes diagnosis to evaluate longitudinal glycemic control, urinary C-peptide levels, and certain features of diabetes self-management.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Unselected cases with IDDM, who were less than 30 yr of age, were identified at diagnosis from a 28-county area in Wisconsin. Subjects were asked to submit blood every 4 mo for GHb testing, to report aspects of diabetes self-management every 6 mo, and to collect a 24-h urine specimen 4 mo after diagnosis.

RESULTS In the 1st yr of diabetes, the rate of increase (0.23%/mo) in GHb was significant for the cohort (P less than 0.001) and for almost all age and sex subgroups. In the 2nd yr, there was no significant rate of increase for the cohort as a whole (P greater than 0.10). Adolescent males (10-19 yr of age) had a mean GHb level for year 2 higher than males of other age-groups and higher than female adolescents (P less than 0.001). Adolescent males had a significant rate of increase in GHb for year 2 (P = 0.02), unlike all other age and sex subgroups. Adolescents had higher initial 24-h urine C-peptide levels than children less than 10 yr of age (P less than 0.01). During the 2nd yr of diabetes, the percentage of adolescent males reporting three or more insulin injections/day was lower than any other subgroup.

CONCLUSIONS These data-suggest that glycemic control stabilizes during the 2nd yr of IDDM, except in adolescent males, and that this may be due partly to aspects of self-management.