PubMed ID: 3364167
Author(s): Trocmé SD, Bonini S, Barney NP, Bloch KJ, Allansmith MR. Effects of topical pre-treatment with dexamethasone on the immediate and late phases of topically induced ocular anaphylaxis in the rat. Acta Ophthalmol (Copenh). 1988 Feb;66(1):24-32. PMID 3364167
Journal: Acta Ophthalmologica, Volume 66, Issue 1, Feb 1988
We tested the effects of pre-treatment with dexamethasone on topically induced ocular anaphylaxis in the rat. Rats were immunized with dinitrophenylated Ascaris suum extract and challenged with di-DNP-lysine. Dexamethasone was administered topically once (24, 6, or 1 h before challenge) or three times (6, 4, and 2 h before challenge). A single pre-treatment given at 24 or 6 h had no significant effect. A single pre-treatment 1 h before challenge reduced the extent of edema assessed histologically but not clinically, and had no significant effect on the eosinophil count in conjunctival tissue examined 6 h after challenge. Eyes pre-treated with dexamethasone 6, 4, and 2 h before challenge showed a significant reduction in conjunctival edema assessed histologically and clinically 1 h after challenge. In addition, 6 h after challenge the number of eosinophils was significantly reduced. We conclude that repeated pre-treatment with dexamethasone can suppress both the immediate phase and the cellular late phase of topically induced ocular anaphylaxis.