Ciliary muscle choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase after ciliary ganglionectomy.

PubMed ID: 2401348

Author(s): Erickson-Lamy KA, Johnson CD, True-Gabelt B, Kaufman PL. Ciliary muscle choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase after ciliary ganglionectomy. Exp Eye Res. 1990 Sep;51(3):295-9. PMID 2401348

Journal: Experimental Eye Research, Volume 51, Issue 3, Sep 1990

Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT; EC and acetylcholinesterase (AChE; EC activities were measured in cynomolgus monkey ciliary muscle 1 month and 6 or more months after ciliary ganglionectomy (CG) or post-ganglionic ciliary neurectomy (PCN). ChAT activity was undetectable and AChE activity was elevated 1 month after CG or PCN, while both averaged about 30% of normal levels 6 or more months after denervation. Four out of six eyes reinnervated by functional criteria 6-12 months after CG or PCN. In one of the two remaining eyes permanently denervated, ChAT was absent from the ciliary muscle. In the other, ChAT activity was about 50% of normal, similar to the reinnervated eyes, but the regenerated cholinergic nerves were not approximated to the ciliary muscle fibers.