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Daniel Albert
Death from uveal melanoma. Number of epithelioid cells and inverse SD of nucleolar area as prognostic factors.
PubMed ID: 3579712 Author(s): Seddon JM, Polivogianis L, Hsieh CC, Albert DM, Gamel JW, Gragoudas ES. Death from uveal melanoma. Number of epithelioid cells and inverse SD of nucleolar area as prognostic factors. Arch Ophthalmol. …
Historic review of retinoblastoma.
PubMed ID: 3306547 Author(s): Albert DM. Historic review of retinoblastoma. Ophthalmology. 1987 Jun;94(6):654-62. Review. PMID 3306547 Journal: Ophthalmology, Volume 94, Issue 6, Jun 1987 Retinoblastoma was first described as a specific entity by James Wardrop …
Electron microscopy and HLA expression of a new cell line of retinoblastoma.
PubMed ID: 3549617 Author(s): Fournier GA, Sang DN, Albert DM, Craft JL. Electron microscopy and HLA expression of a new cell line of retinoblastoma. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1987 Apr;28(4):690-9. PMID 3549617 Journal: Investigative Ophthalmology …
Does enucleation in the presence of endophthalmitis increase the risk of postoperative meningitis?
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Pseudomonas corneoscleritis.
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Olfactory neuroblastoma metastatic to the eye.
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Vitreous degeneration in myopia and retinitis pigmentosa.
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Degenerative conditions of the vitreous.
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Ophthalmoscopic and histologic findings in cytomegalovirus retinitis treated with BW-B759U.
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