Blood pressure, hypertension and retinopathy in a population.

PubMed ID: 8140692

Author(s): Klein R, Klein BE, Moss SE, Wang Q. Blood pressure, hypertension and retinopathy in a population. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc. 1993;91:207-22; discussion 222-6.

Journal: Transactions Of The American Ophthalmological Society, Volume 91, 1993

This study provides precise estimates of the prevalence of retinal lesions in nondiabetic persons with and without hypertension. The findings suggest that retinopathy (6% in normotensives and 11% in people with hypertension), and retinal arteriolar narrowing (11% in normotensives and 19% in people with hypertension) are common. Further longitudinal study is necessary to evaluate the public health significance of these findings.