PubMed ID: 6651594
Author(s): Seddon JM, Albert DM, Lavin PT, Robinson N. A prognostic factor study of disease-free interval and survival following enucleation for uveal melanoma. Arch Ophthalmol. 1983 Dec;101(12):1894-9.
Journal: Archives Of Ophthalmology (Chicago, Ill. : 1960), Volume 101, Issue 12, Dec 1983
Prognostic indicators of uveal melanoma disease-free interval and survival following enucleation were evaluated for 267 patients. The median follow-up time was 17 years. Analysis involved Kaplan-Meier survival curves based on time to tumor-related deaths and multivariate proportional hazards analysis, which provides an estimate of the “force of mortality.” Prognostic indicators considered included demographic, clinical, and histopathological factors. Cell type was classified according to the number of epithelioid cells present per high-power field (HPF) on light microscopy. Various classifications of size of the tumor were compared for prognostic value. The five leading predictors of survival in order of importance were as follows: (1) number of epithelioid cells per HPF, (2) largest dimension of the tumor, (3) location of the anterior margin of the tumor, (4) invasion to the line of transection, and (5) degree of pigmentation. Risk categories for survival were constructed based on the three leading prognostic factors.