Radiation therapy for incompletely excised grade II canine mast cell tumors.

PubMed ID: 17088389

Author(s): Poirier VJ, Adams WM, Forrest LJ, Green EM, Dubielzig RR, Vail DM. Radiation therapy for incompletely excised grade II canine mast cell tumors. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. 2006 Nov-Dec;42(6):430-4. PMID 17088389

Journal: Journal Of The American Animal Hospital Association, Volume 42, Issue 6, 2006

Forty-five dogs with incompletely excised grade II mast cell tumors were treated with radiation using a cobalt 60 teletherapy unit (15 fractions of 3.2 Gy for a total of 48 Gy). Twenty-four of the dogs underwent prophylactic regional lymph node irradiation. Three (6.7%) dogs had tumor recurrence, two (4.4%) dogs developed metastasis, and 14 (31%) dogs developed a second cutaneous mast cell tumor. No difference in overall survival rate was observed between the dogs receiving and not receiving prophylactic irradiation of the regional lymph node.