PubMed ID: 18435658
Author(s): Jacobi S, Dubielzig RR. Feline early life ocular disease. Vet Ophthalmol. 2008 May-Jun;11(3):166-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1463-5224.2008.00615.x. PMID 18435658
Journal: Veterinary Ophthalmology, Volume 11, Issue 3, 2008
OBJECTIVES Histomorphologic changes in six globes from six cats, which experienced early life ocular disease of undetermined etiology, are described.
DESIGN A retrospective morphologic study of six eyes from six cats with early life ocular surface disease of unknown etiology, from 2002 to 2006 extracted from a pathology collection, which includes 2200 feline submissions.
PROCEDURE Sections of affected globes, stained with H&E were examined with a light microscope.
RESULTS The mean age of the affected cats, at the time of enucleation, was 7.5 months ranging from 7 weeks to 2 years. The cats were one male, one female, one male neutered, and one female spayed cat. For the remaining two cats the sex was not known. All cats were DSH. Significant histomorphologic findings included collapse of the globe in all cases and a broad corneal perforation with protrusion of the anterior uvea, which was epithelialized in all cases. Three cases revealed uveal hematopoiesis in the anterior and posterior uvea. All cases had recognizable corneal tissue at the limbus on both sides. Inflammation in all cases consisted of variable but generally mild uveitis and no eyes had endophthalmitis. Four of the globes had no recognizable lens tissue. Three of the cats had symblepharon formation described as part of the clinical condition. The other three cases had no mention of symblepharon.
CONCLUSIONS These cases are considered to represent changes associated with early life corneal ablation of unknown etiology. Uveal prolapse, mild inflammation, and symblepharon are considered to be either secondary or caused by the same destructive primary event that affected the cornea. These cases are the first cases we are aware of with uveal extramedullary hematopoiesis in cats. Careful consideration of cell morphology is necessary to distinguish this condition from round cell neoplasms or inflammation.