A pilot study of glaucoma visual field screening in diabetes.

PubMed ID: 1841665

Author(s): Klein BE, Meuer SM, Klein R, Dalton DS. A pilot study of glaucoma visual field screening in diabetes. Eur J Ophthalmol. 1991 Jul-Sep;1(3):111-4. PMID 1841665

Journal: European Journal Of Ophthalmology, Volume 1, Issue 3, 1991

Because people with diabetes may be at increased risk of glaucoma, we performed a pilot study using automated visual field testing for screening them. One hundred and seventy-six diabetic persons who had participated in the Wisconsin Epidemiologic Study of Diabetic Retinopathy were tested with the Armaly-Drance screening pattern on the Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer. Individuals with moderate diabetic retinopathy or worse tended to have lower sensitivity of the central visual field and missed more points than those with no or only mild retinopathy. People with a history of glaucoma had slightly less sensitivity and missed more points than controls. These preliminary findings suggest that although people with diabetes and glaucoma may more frequently have visual field defects than people with diabetes but no glaucoma, a larger study is needed. This pilot study shows that such a study would be feasible and should be designed to indicate the sensitivity, specificity, and cost-benefit ratio of a screening program so as to assess the utility of the screening visual field test for finding glaucoma amongst people with diabetes.