Postoperative binocularity in adults with longstanding strabismus.

PubMed ID: 1565442

Author(s): Kushner BJ, Morton GV. Postoperative binocularity in adults with longstanding strabismus. Ophthalmology. 1992 Mar;99(3):316-9. PMID 1565442

Journal: Ophthalmology, Volume 99, Issue 3, Mar 1992

The authors tested preoperatively and postoperatively for binocularity with the Bagolini lenses in a series of 359 adults who underwent surgery for long-standing constant strabismus. Eighty-six percent of patients showed a binocular response with the Bagolini lens test almost immediately after surgery. Regardless of the type of deviation present preoperatively, the duration of strabismus, or the depth of amblyopia in the deviating eye (if present), the vast majority of patients developed binocularity. The development of binocularity with the Bagolini lenses after surgery appears to be related to the stability of the postoperative ocular alignment.