A surgical procedure to minimize lower-eyelid retraction with inferior rectus recession.

PubMed ID: 1637268

Author(s): Kushner BJ. A surgical procedure to minimize lower-eyelid retraction with inferior rectus recession. Arch Ophthalmol. 1992 Jul;110(7):1011-4. PMID 1637268

Journal: Archives Of Ophthalmology (Chicago, Ill. : 1960), Volume 110, Issue 7, Jul 1992

Advancement of the capsulopalpebral head at the time of inferior rectus recession has been described as a technique to minimize postoperative lower-eyelid retraction. In a prospective randomized masked clinical trial, this technique combined with inferior rectus recession was compared with inferior rectus recession alone, with respect to post-operative lower-eyelid retraction. The mean (+/- SD) postoperative lower-eyelid retraction was 0.7 +/- .82 mm for patients in whom the capsulopalpebral head was advanced, as opposed to 1.3 +/- .85 mm for the control group. This difference was statistically significant (Student’s t = 2.787; P = .006).