PubMed ID: 1185418
Author(s): Blumenthal S, Jesse MJ, Hennekens CH, Klein BE, Ferrer PL, Gourley JE. Risk factors for coronary artery disease in children of affected families. J Pediatr. 1975 Dec;87(6 Pt 2):1187-92. PMID 1185418
Journal: The Journal Of Pediatrics, Volume 87, Issue 6 Pt 2, Dec 1975
Risk factors for coronary artery disease were present to a greater degree in children of men who had experienced premature myocardial infarction when compared to children of unaffected male parents. Levels of cholesterol and body weight, as well as family history of premature CAD, differed significantly between the groups of children. The chance of identifying a child with hyperlipidemia was three times greater if the father had premature CAD. Data regarding familial aggregation of risk factors for CAD are reviewed and their significance discussed.