PubMed ID: 1172920
Author(s): Jampol LM, Marsh JC, Albert DM, Zimmerman LE. IgA associated lymphoplasmacytic tumor involving the conjunctiva, eyelid, and orbit. Am J Ophthalmol. 1975 Feb;79(2):279-84. PMID 1172920
Journal: American Journal Of Ophthalmology, Volume 79, Issue 2, Feb 1975
A 65-year-old white man had an unusual disseminated lymphoid tumor that first appeared in the subconjunctival tissues of the right eye. The tumor later appeared in the skin, lymph nodes, and left upper eyelid and orbit. A monoclonal serum IgA spike was present although the urine did not contain Bence Jones proteins. The cells of the tumor appeared to be plasmacytoid lymphocytes. Prominent intranuclear inclusions, or Dutcher bodies, were present. Throughtout the 11-year history, the patient has been treated only with local excision and radiation.