Cellular retinol- and retinoic acid-binding proteins in transformed mammalian cells.

PubMed ID: 568121

Author(s): Saari JC, Futterman S, Stubbs GW, Heffernan JT, Bredberg L, Chan DY, Albert DM. Cellular retinol- and retinoic acid-binding proteins in transformed mammalian cells. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1978 Oct;17(10):988-92. PMID 568121

Journal: Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, Volume 17, Issue 10, Oct 1978

Extracts prepared from several lines of transformed cells were examined for the presence of cellular binding proteins specific for retinoids. Extracts of human retinoblastoma cell line WERI-Rb1 contained a cellular binding protein specific for retinoic acid, whereas extracts of human retinoblastoma cell line Y-79 contained cellular binding proteins for both retinol and retinoic acid. Upon purification, the latter two binding proteins proved to have properties similar to those of the corresponding proteins obtained from bovine retina. Smaller amounts of these binding proteins were detected in extracts of undifferentiated and differentiated neuroblastoma and McCoy cells. HeLa and rat glioma cells had no detectable amount of binding proteins. The 11-cis-retinal-binding protein, present in extracts of human, rat, and bovine retina, was not found in any of the cell lines examined.