PubMed ID: 7239849
Author(s): Smyth JR Jr, Boissy RE, Fite KV, Albert DM. Retinal dystrophy associated with a postnatal amelanosis in the chicken. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1981 Jun;20(6):799-803. PMID 7239849
Journal: Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, Volume 20, Issue 6, Jun 1981
Melanin pigmentation changes were studied in a mutant (delayed amelanotic) line of chickens characterized by a postnatal, spontaneous cutaneous amelanosis and a high incidence of blindness. Cutaneous pigment loss was accompanied by destruction of the choroidal melanocytes throughout the orbit. The presence of blindness appeared to be correlated with the histopathologic finding of severe degenerative changes in the pigment epithelium and neural retina first seen near the base of the pecten and progressing radially in irregular patterns.